The NSR Course is shipped to the address you provided in the order form, if possible.
If your orders require further information and you do not respond to an email sent to the address you provided in the order form, your order may be canceled and your purchase price will be refunded in full as soon as possible by our payment provider, Stripe, or in many cases by the same payment method you selected, if other than by credit card.
Typically, further information is required if you failed to provide a full and reasonable address, failed to supply your name or other required information in our order form, or fail to respond to the nonprescription drug usage or current practices questions, since we must provide you with further information by email in such cases so that you can enjoy the promised results from your course.
If you wish to cancel your order and receive a refund, no reason necessary, you may do so until the point in time when we have addressed your package for mailing. This is usually the evening of the day you submit your order. No refunds will be provided if your request is received after that time.
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