The President of Natural Stress Relief/USA is David Spector. David Spector has practiced the Transcendental Meditation® technique regularly since September 1970, and completed the TM- Sidhi® program given by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Switzerland in 1978.
David studied in residence with Maharishi for eight months in 1971-1972 in the U.S.A., Spain, and Italy to become a teacher of Transcendental Meditation®, and subsequently instructed just over 100 people in the TM® technique at several TM®centers in the USA. David has chosen not to recertify as a teacher of TM® due to his focus on NSR teaching activities.
In 2006 David founded NSR/USA (as Natural Stress Relief, Inc.) and began supporting NSR practitioners worldwide, distributing the hardcopy edition of the NSR learning materials, revising the NSR learning materials, conducting scientific research, supporting international NSR volunteers and meditators in various languages, and working on new projects.
By June, 2024, NSR/USA had grown to 3300 clients. This number does not include clients of the download editions of NSR in various languages (including English) distributed by the Istituto Scientia and by other international volunteers.
We invite former teachers of the Transcendental Meditation® technique to join with us as volunteers with the NSR program. We need you to provide meditation checking and question answering for our clients. You may find our simple focus on bringing improvement to everyone's life through the effortless technique of transcending refreshing. Please let us know if you are interested.
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