In NSR™, the attention of the mind starts from where it already is: from the surface or concrete level of thinking. From that level we begin the technique, in which our attention gets drawn naturally to more abstract and quieter levels of thinking, which are more charming to the mind (our thinking always aims at greater happiness and satisfaction, for ourselves and others).
This process is called transcending. Transcending is effortless, simple, natural, and innocent. No concentration or contemplation is needed, and anyone who can follow directions can learn how to transcend.
In NSR™, the mind picks up a mantra, or syllable, which is used for its sound value only. Both the mantra and the method of using the mantra are taught in NSR™. No matter what type of meditation, only this unique combination of suitable mantra and the method of using it can give rise to the process of efficient transcending. This process of transcending is enjoyable and brings quietness to the entire nervous system. Since the body always follows the mind, the body becomes more quiet and rested. As the body quiets down, stress is released. The release of stress purifies the nervous system, leaving it more flexible, alert, and rested.
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